
How To Prevent Car Accidents During Winter

“Winter is Coming” is a famous line from the great show Game of Thrones and luckily for most of us right now, its springtime! Yet If you reside anywhere in the Pacific Northwest, chances are you are aware of how harsh weather conditions can impact driving abilities and traffic safety during fall and winter seasons.

Regardless of the extent, a snowstorm can wreak havoc on driving conditions and chances of being involved in a car accident go way up.  You will need to contact a personal injury lawyer who focuses on car accidents if you have any questions.

There are certain things that you cannot control in regards to the weather and you can really benefit from knowing when the weather is too harsh and the roads are too risky for you to be driving around on. However, there are various steps that you can take to minimize your chances of being involved in a car accident.

In this post, we are going to mention several tips on how to prevent car accidents during winter:

Be Easy on The Gas

Driving at a slower speed on ice and snow can significantly reduce the chances of losing control of your car. Also, ensure that you do not accelerate too quickly in such conditions as that can cause the wheels to lose traction with the road.

Defrosting Is a Must

If you keep your vehicle outside overnight, chances are condensation and frost will form on the mirrors and vehicle. As such, it is advisable to turn it one at least 5 minutes before you drive off and have an ice scraper to remove any frost. You should also have a towel available to wipe away condensation.

Give Some Room Ahead

Bigger vehicles take longer to stop and this is particularly the case when the roads are covered with snow and ice. You should be extra cautious during these conditions and give the car ahead of you adequate room.

Use Headlights at All Times

Headlights make it easier to see through the fog and other conditions present during winter. They ideally make it easier for other drivers to see your car, which can make a huge difference in preventing a car accident.

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Stock Up on Necessities and Check Your Tires

Before winter starts, it is advisable to check the pressure and tread on tires and ascertain that you have at least a quarter of a tank of gas in your car. Emergency equipment like blankets, water, food, flashlight, first aid kit and other necessities should ideally be kept in the vehicle in case of an emergency.

Slow Down at Intersections

Bridges, freeway off-ramps and intersections are the most common regions for ice to build up and so, you’ll want to slow down your vehicle in these areas.

Avoid Blind Spots

Adjusting your side and rearview mirrors will give you an almost seamless panoramic view of the sides and back of your vehicle. However, you cannot rely on these alone.

You should also turn to look directly into the next lanes to avoid missing something that the mirrors left undetected. While on the road, you should keep in mind the other drivers’ blind spots, particularly when it comes to truckers. Avoid staying on others’ blind spots as this could easily lead to a car crash.

So there you have it, a few tips on how to prevent car accidents during winter. If you have any questions on your car accident case, contact Asheville NC injury attorney Lakota R. Denon, who has taken many personal injury cases to trial, as well as achieving high settlements for a number of clients.  He also has over 70 five star reviews at Google and offers a free consultation.