
Can You Send Certified Mail to a PO Box

Sending mail has become a precise art, especially when the content is of a sensitive nature. Certified mail, a postal service that provides the sender with a mailing receipt and, upon request, electronic verification that the mail was delivered or that a delivery attempt was made, is an essential tool in such situations. A common question that arises when sending such mail is: Can you send certified mail to a PO Box? Let’s delve into this.

Understanding Certified Mail

Certified mail is an added layer of security for your mailings, ensuring that they reach the intended recipient and providing a record of delivery. It’s often used for important documents like legal notifications or confidential information.

PO Box: The Basics

A PO Box (Post Office Box) is a uniquely addressable lockable box located on the premises of a post office. Many individuals and businesses prefer PO Boxes for their mail reception because of the privacy and convenience it offers.

Sending Certified Mail to a PO Box: The Process

Yes, you can send certified mail to a PO Box. When certified mail arrives at the post office, the box holder will receive a notification slip (often green) inside their box, indicating that they have a piece of certified mail waiting for pickup. They will need to present this slip to the postal worker at the counter to retrieve their mail, providing a signature as proof of receipt.

Why Send Certified Mail to a PO Box?

  • Privacy: For individuals who prefer not to disclose their physical address, a PO Box is a secure alternative.
  • Documented Delivery: For senders, it guarantees that the mail reaches the intended recipient with documented proof.
  • Security: The mail is stored safely until the recipient signs and collects it.


What if the PO Box holder doesn’t pick up the certified mail?

If not collected within a specified period (usually 15 days), the mail will be returned to the sender with a note indicating it was unclaimed.

Can other delivery confirmation services be used with a PO Box?

Yes, services like signature confirmation can also be used with PO Box deliveries.

Is there an additional fee for sending certified mail?

Yes, certified mail comes with an additional fee over standard postage. This fee is for the added security and documentation provided.


Sending certified mail to a PO Box is not only possible but also offers a combination of privacy, security, and documentation. It’s a seamless process that ensures both the sender and receiver have peace of mind regarding the delivery and receipt of essential documents.